    HomeGlobalNewsThe helicopter crash of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi

    The helicopter crash of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi

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    The helicopter crash of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi is raising a lot of doubt and controversy. This case is being interpreted in a variety of political, international and internal aspects.

    An accident caused by bad weather? Iranian authorities are explaining the cause of the accident as bad weather. It is said that a helicopter flying in a rugged mountainous area crashed in the face of heavy fog, clouds, and heavy rain1. However, these explanations do not resolve all doubts.

    Internal static work? Some comments argue that the incident was caused by internal static factors. President Raishi suppressed the hijab protests and punished a large number of moderates, as well as a power race with the son of supreme leader Khamenei. It is not yet clear whether these internal static elements are associated with thinking.

    Israel’s involvement? Some reports suspect Israel may be behind the accident. Iran and Israel are in a state of military tension, and there is also an opinion that the accident has allowed Israel to focus on Hamas.

    Related to the international situation? Iran’s presidential election is approaching, and there is also a view of analyzing the implications of thinking in relation to Iran’s international position. Given Iran’s domestic political situation and international tensions, the death of President Reich may affect the international situation.

    It is important to analyze the cause and meaning of the accident while considering these various aspects. With more information and findings, it is expected that the prospects for the case will become clearer.

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